1.Card. suit:□/■/○/●;number:1 to 9;4-repeats;
2.Win. Cards in number-sets as 111-222-333-444-55
3.Game. Each has 13 cards;if geting a more card and no-Win, one discard;
if Win/no-card,game ends;
4.Score. Percent; 100%/winer; 0/discard-loser; 50%/others; Grade;
(1)Kind +3:Win of samesuit/repeats/1/2/3 numbers;
(2)Kin2 +2:Win 80% of samesuit/repeats/1/2/3 numbers;
(3)Kin1 +1:Win 60% of samesuit/repeats/1/2/3/9 numbers
5. Fairplays. include defining Game or Set;
(1)Mahjong: repeats
;same value of each card;
(3)mathSet:include "+ - × ÷" as 235
Matchingame Intelligence (MI)
MI = 2*Percent ;
Percent:100%/winer, 0/discard-loser, 50%/others.
If one's discard is added to others into Win, he is called discard-loser;
If you discard, you click a card to discard.
Click "☺" key after 20 games;Time: 80m/20 games;
Click " ☻ " to see hint && more for help.
Case1. Win +6;11/222-333-444-555;Kind +3 for all repeats;Kin2 +2 for 80%(12/14)same-suit;
Kin1 +1 for 60%(9/14)less than 4 numbers;total 6=3+2+1.
Case2. Win +4;11/234-345-456-567;Kin2 +2 for 80% (12/14) same-suit;
Kin2 +2 for 80%(12/14)repeats;total 4=2+2.
Case3. Win +3;11-22-33/55-66-77-88;Kind +3 for all repeats
Case4. Win +3;11-234/567-567-567;Kin1 +1 for 60%(9/14)same-suit;
Kin1 +1 for 60% (9/14) repeats;Kin1 +1 for 60%(9/14)less than 4 numbers;
total 3=1+1+1.
Case5. Win +2;11-234/345-456-567;Kin1 +1 for 60%(9/14)same-suit;
Kin1 +1 for 60% (9/14) repeats;total 2=1+1.
Case6. Make +2;11-22/123-456-789;Kin1 +1 for 60%(9/14)same-suit;
Kin1 +1 for 60%(9/14)9 numbers;total 2=1+1.
Case7. Make +8;1111-2222-3333-44;Kind +3 for all same-suit;Kind +3 for all repeats;
Kin2 +2 for 80%(12/14)less than 4 numbers;total 8=3+3+2.